I don’t know if I have any readers, but as you might have noticed, I have not bothered with the “monthly posts of unsorted links” for some time now.

Main reasons:

  1. Composing the monthly post takes a bit too time for the benefit I perceive receiving from them.

  2. My original idea was to have a combined blog + tagged repository of links and papers and articles I read. Problem: “Monthly posts of links I’ve read” is anti-thesis to that idea. (It renders the fancy tagging and category code that I wrote for this blog quite useless).

As a solution, I’ve been planning moving to back thematic link collections. “So where are the thematic links posts then” you might ask. The answer is: in my browser bookmarks folder. I still collect links to FF bookmarks folders, thematically organized (one folder for “SEP articles relevant to philosophy of AI”, another for “information theory concepts I’d like to take another look at”, etc); the plan is to dump the contents of those folders here in this blog now and then. The main challenge is in deciding when to each bookmarks folder is ripe enough that it makes sense to migrate it the blog.