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Link: Math is / is not everywhere
Michael J. Barany on Scientific American: Mathematicians Are Overselling the Idea That “Math Is Everywhere”.
Link: Scientific papers contain Excel errors (WaPo)
WaPo’s Wonkblog: An alarming number of scientific papers contain Excel errors
Link: Facial Feedback Hypothesis
Link: In Mathematics, Mistakes Aren't What they used to be
Nautilus: a nice article about proof assistants and future of doing mathematics from 2015.
Link: Introduction to Stochastic Processes
Introduction to Stochastic Processes, lecture notes by Gordan Žitković from UTexas.
Links/Notes: Random walks, processes and human notion of randomness
Notes about random walks, stochastic processses, and stuff.
Link: FMI Wave height observations
FMI provides wave height measurements from several stations
Linkblog: Git Undo (Enrico Campidoglio)
Linkblog: xkcd 1724 - Proofs
Linkblog: Applied Mathematical Programming by BHM (and other materials)
Applied Mathematical Programming by Bradley, Hax, and Magnanti (Addison-Wesley, 1977) is freely available on the internets.